
ACEITS conducts Summer Leadership and Management Academy

The Association of College of Engineering and Information Technology Students (ACEITS), the official organization of the CEIT students, conducted a Summer Leadership and Management Academy last April 29-30 and May 1, 2011 at Mansand Beach Resort in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

CSU conducts seminar-workshop on RA 9470

Caraga State University hosted a Seminar-Workshop on RA 9470 (National Archives of the Philippines Act of 1997) and Basic Records and Archives Management last April 5-7, 2011 at the CSU Conference Room.

CSU spearheads 1st Caraga Pangasius Harvest Festival

Caraga State University together with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Caraga and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Caraga Region held the 1st Caraga Pangasius Harvest Festival at Sanchez Gymnasium last February 18, 2011.

CSU Biology Instructors attend 4th EENP Intl Confab

The Caraga State University and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension (OVPRE) sent Fabio C. Ruaza, Jr. and Eve V. Fernandez, both Biology instructors, as representatives for the 4th International Conference of the Environmental Education Network of the Philippines (EENP) last February 16-18, 2011.

CSU attends 24th AACCUP Nat’l Conference

Dr. Joanna B. Cuenca headed the delegation of Caraga State University to the 24th Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) National Conference last February 15-17, 2011 at the Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon City.

NSTP-CWTS holds community immersion program

The facilitators and students of the National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS) of Caraga State University (CSU) conducted a community immersion in Barangay Pianing, Butuan City last February 19, 2011. 

LCO holds 2011 annual fest

The formal opening of the LCO festival began with a Eucharistic celebration. Right after the mass was the parade of the participating organizations led by the officers of the organization council, where they took a tour outside campus.

CSU celebrates 91st Anniversary of Proclamation No. 4

ICT Center, CSU - Caraga State University celebrated yesterday, Feb. 14, 2011, the 91st anniversary of the declaration of Proclamation No. 4 4 by American Gov. Francis Burton Harrison, declaring the reservation of 232 hectares land area for agricultural school in Ampayon, Butuan City.

CSU holds SOS for admin employees

Sixty four (64) CSU personnel compose of frontline administrative employees together with some academic officials were given the opportunity to harness their skills in managing stress with the conduct of the Seminar on Overcoming Stress (SOS) last February 7 and 8, 2011 at the CSU Conference Room.

CASNR Dean joins int'l. conference on biodiversity, climate change

Dr. Rowena P. Varela, CASNR Dean, was one of the paper presenters during the International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change (ICBCC) held at the PICC in Manila last February 1-3, 2011.



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