CHED Caraga

CSU joins NSED to fortify 'conditioned response' to quakes

March 25, 2024, Butuan City – Caraga State University, led by University President Dr. Rolyn C. Daguil, participated and served as the regional ceremonial venue for the CY 2024 First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) as endorsed by the Office of the Regional Director of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Caraga. The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO) of CSU, headed by DRRM Director Mr. Vincent N. Cotoron, coordinated with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Caraga on the conduct of the Regional NSED.  

CHEDRO XIII visits CSU, assesses preparation for School of Medicine

The Caraga State University (CSU) demonstrates a steadfast commitment to the implementation of its Doctor of Medicine Program, evidenced by its earnest engagement in the discussion meeting and ocular inspection facilitated by the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office (CHEDRO) Region XIII. The discussion meeting on December 21, 2023, deliberated the specifics of the proposed MD program. Among many notable discussions, CHEDRO XIII wanted to ensure that the Doctor of Medicine program is aligned with national standards and benchmarks.

CHED Caraga and CSU Conduct Free Webinars on Virtual Capacity Building for HEIs Stakeholders

CHED Caraga and CSU Conduct Free Webinars  on Virtual Capacity Building for HEIs Stakeholders

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Caraga partnered with Caraga State University (CSU) in conducting a series of free webinars as part of CHED Caraga’s project entitled “CHED Caraga Virtual Capacity Building for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Stakeholders.” CHED Caraga conducted a series of webinars to help Higher Education Institutions in Caraga Region prepare for the opening of the Academic Year 2020-2021 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


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College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences

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